Jake Keaton is the deputy director of the CIA. He replaces John Carter at the beginning of season 2 after Carter was killed by Oscar. John Carter after the latter was killed by Oscar. He then becomes a recurring character in the series until his death in season 5 at the hands of Madeline's agents.
His morality diverges slightly from the FBI team of Jane, Weller, Zapata and Reade.
He is married and has a daughter: Erin. He protects her and wants the best for his family.
Season 2[]
Episode 1: He makes his first appearance in the first episode of Season 2, keeping Jane prisoner in a CIA ghost prison in Oregon for 3 months. He wants information about her tattoos and her appearance in Time Square. She eventually escapes, taking down the guards, including Keaton.
Episode 6: Keaton is on a mission in Bulgaria, where he competes with Nas and Weller. They all want to retrieve the hacker known as Winter for interrogation. After the FBI agents verify his identity, they manage to take the hacker away by putting him in a bag. Keaton chases after them, but is unable to catch up. Finally, Jake shoots one of the mercenaries who was after the FBI team. He then reveals that he tortured Jane in the ghost prison. Weller tries to suffocate him, but eventually drops him and leaves him in Bulgaria, leaving with Winter.
Episode 11: During an intervention to apprehend Anton Stépuloff (the Daboursan's number 2, also known as the Architect of Death), the FBI team discovers that Keaton is working with the terrorist to obtain information about an attack planned for the territory at 6pm.
Season 3[]
Keaton informed the Weller's about the bounty that had been placed for Jane's death and urged her to leave the country until they stopped the people behind the threat. When Jane refused to stay in Colorado and put Weller and Bethany in risk for her fault, Keaton provided all the ways to take her out of the country.
Eighteen months later, Keaton had no other option but to accept to work in a joint task force with the FBI and hand Jane Doe over the Bureau to investigate the new layer of bioluminescent tattoos on her body.
Jake Keaton | |||||
Season One — |
Season Two #1 In Night So Ransomed Rogue #6 Her Spy's Harmed |
Season Three #1 Back to the Grind #9 Hot Burning Flames |
Season Four #2 My Art Project #5 Naughty Monkey Kicks At Tree |
Season Five #7 Awl In #8 Ghost Train |